Lolamir is an online shopping destination for women's luxury designer handbags & accessories. Our edit makes it possible for you to choose from the finest selection of the world's most sought-after designer brands such as Fendi, Versace, Valentino and Dolce & Gabbana. We pride ourselves on creating an easy-to-navigate online shopping platform while maintaining an elevated boutique-like feel.
Our expert team of buyers scour the globe each season to bring you the most exquisite selection of handbags straight from the runways of New York, London, Paris and Milan. With our weekly New Arrivals, we make it effortless for you to have the most coveted items first. Whether you're looking to invest in timeless pieces from Valentino, Balenciaga, Chloé and Fendi, or you want to set trends in Off-White, Jacquemus and Marc Jacobs, Lolamir is your go-to designer website that can fulfill all your sartorial wishes.